The Best Thing to Motivate You is Yourself

Qaseem Ansari
5 min readAug 3, 2021

Motivate yourself with what you have and what you are. No matter how many people are here to help you, no matter how strong you are, you might have suffered any situation in life when you take all your decisions by yourself.

You may have someone to motivate you, to bring you on a correct path, but they are not permanent. And there is no guarantee of how long they would be with you.

Being motivated by your parents, friends, and others is not wrong or any evil thing. It is about how can you manage yourself? And how you can handle the situations? How can you take action by your own decision?

This article will show some tricks and habits that I think you people must implement in yourself.

Stay surrounded by positive people


There is no secret that an educated and healthy environment is how much important. The way of thinking is highly connected with the people by which you are surrounded about.

Positive people will fill positiveness, and opposing will fill negativity. That’s the reason that we must make cheerful friends who can at least save us from being prone to negativity and demotivation.

Be kind and have courage

it is effortless to blame and throw all the failing reasons to anyone. In fact, most of the time, I blame myself for my failure; I think that’s true also.

But except being miserable and bother by our failure, there is also a beneficial secret to which we should be aware. And that is the experience we get in return for our failure. We should always be motivated and have lots of courage to face each and every type of failure.

Failing and winning are the two sides of a coin; try to attempt the situation not to win, not to fail, but to learn. It is the only way that leads us to move one step ahead.

Learn something new except failing

Most of the time, our motivation and all the great thoughts drain down because of our failure. Even if we all know that there are half a probability of winning and a half to fail. But still, all the realities, the word fail, makes us bother and miserable about the situation.

Don’t forget the thing that a failure teaches that cannot be touched by winning. Failure is nothing, but only it provides you one more chance to struggle, work hard and win the situation.

You were wrong when the people told you that you failed; you didn’t mean it. The word fail doesn’t mean that you have lost, and you can’t do anything when you get forgotten. Actually, failure provides you with one more chance to learn something new.

The actual meaning of the word “fail” is you learned, but it was not enough to go through it. That’s why it provides you with one more chance. In which you can take a small positive step ahead.

Don’t forget to take a meditation break

The main reason to meditate is to know about the inner sacred and all the magical things about life. The meditation process is being practiced for thousands of years.

But nowadays, meditation is commonly used for calmness and relaxation, and believe me, it is very workable. Only 5 minutes of meditation can give you perfect peace, and it is not only valid for five minutes. You can easily feel and enjoy it for a long time.

Regular meditation on a daily basis can give you a boost towards your goal and reaching to ambitions. When a person meditates himself or mediates himself, you will know that it is how relaxing and how it calms to all the jumbled and running things inside the mind.

Stay motivated all the time


Somewhere we all got stressed and panic due to happening some unwanted things. I might lose my motivation when hearing some bad thing about myself and my relatives. The same thing may have occurred with you people also.

This is because of that all unwanted things, a surprise class test, an extra class may be of one reason for it. That’s why the solution is planning, planning about all the unwanted things that can drain our motivations.

Setting a goal is easy but planning and working for the purpose is a bit harder. Planning is a process that hints about all the possibilities and also provides you a chance to think about your goal and upcoming obstacles.

Along with all the things, being public your goal is also vital for us. When you told someone about your goal then, it is known that you work hard more for it. Sharing your goal and all the planning with your closest one who motivates you and one who is very trustworthy for you is also a good idea. It helps to clear your vision and removes all the doubt and negativity.

A better environment can only feel you better. Always try to make good friends who can motivate you, who can support you financially and emotionally. I know it is hard to find such friends, but they will be the only reason for which you work hard all day to achieve what you want to.


Be kind to the people surrounded and have the courage for facing all the upcoming problems. There may be all the people with you and may not be, but one thing is clear that you won’t be alone. Always try to understand the situation and the reason for draining your motivation; if you find a need for meditation, do it. The best part is, We all are worried about 60% of that problem which is actually doesn’t exists. When we try to think about it, then knows that there are no such problems.



Qaseem Ansari

I'm Qaseem Shahid, a freelance writer and informative article enthusiast from India.